The year of the Boar

Chinese New Year in 2007 is the Year of the Red Fire Pig. The year of the pig ends the 12 year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Like the houses of the zodiac, the animals of Chinese astrology are said to influence your luck during the year. Your horoscopes for 2007, the year of the pig, depends on which animal signifies the year you were born.
Pigs (born in these years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) are said to be very good matches for tigers and sheep, but do not get along well with snakes and monkeys. Other pigs, rabbits, horses, oxen, rats, roosters, dogs and dragons can make good companions, but the relationships are not always smooth or long lasting. Babies born in the year of the pig are fortunate and make good partners in life. The pig is modest, sometimes quick to anger but also quick to learn and hard working. Their ability to see things through brings success in business and personal affairs.
If you aren’t sure which animal ruled the year that you were born this list will help. Here are a few general conclusions from the opinions of the sages...

Ox  (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)
The year of the hard working pig brings good fortune for the ox. The energy is there to get more done and this brings prosperity and success to the sturdy ox. Just remember that this is also a year of celebration. The ox should not become so busy with work that he misses the invitation to the banquet table. It is there that new opportunities will be discovered.
Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)
The wild tiger prospered in the year of the dog and the pig will not change your good fortune. Be more cautious this year. The pig invites the tiger to the party, but the guest may find it too easy to spend more than is wise — especially in the early year when the influence of the tiger sign raises the energy. The pouncing tiger must control the urge to jump and learn to walk at the pace of the steady pig.

Rabbit : 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
The rabbit is also a friend of the pig who likes to hop ahead. The clever rabbit will slow the pace and enjoy the friendship and steady good fortune of the year of the pig. The influence of the pig will make rabbit calmer and more ready for serious commitments. This year may add to the rabbit’s family either through marriage or children.

Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)
Dragon is very happy to see the pig. After a year of challenges by the yipping dog, the dragon is ready to sit at the banquet table and rest. The tired dragon must remember that the dog is not far away and the clouds of the dog year still dampen his fire. The pig year will bring fullness to the dragon who eats slowly. Self control does not come easily to the fierce dragon, but this year there is little energy stored after battling the dog. The wise dragon will spend resources with caution and build strength for new cycle starting with the rat year in 2008. Enjoy the quiet return to fullness and do not get frustrated at your weakness after battle with the dog all year in 2006. Your strength will return. This year plan trips and business ventures that will not need your full power. Success will come slowly. You will find many reasons for frustration with family and coworkers.

Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
The snake will find that he has not been invited to the pig’s table. This year is a time of quiet for the snake to lie coiled and waiting for the rat year that will bring a new wave of good fortune. You may enjoy the company of friends and family, but successful results in business will be limited. It is not a good time to begin new ventures or to challenge decisions. Avoid conflicts — they will not bring good outcomes with the opposite pig sign ruling this year. The snake should enjoy home, food and limited travel while planning for the much better prospects coming when the opposing pig sign is no longer dominant. The rat and ox years ahead promise that this next 12 year cycle will be good to the patient snake who gathers resources and plans to move when the time is right.

Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
The horse will be invited to the party, but may find it difficult to get there. The energy of the horse is very different than the pig. The neighboring snake, who sits alone, may try to keep the horse from the feast by hiding the invitations or slowing down the messengers. You may find your business fortunes are delayed by slow associates and misdirected or misunderstood memos. You will not win the favor of the pig with expensive gifts. Spend wisely to pace your resources to last through the coming challenges of the rat year.

Sheep / Goat  (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)
At pig’s table, sheep has the seat of honored guest. Luck and good fortune in romance and business are the gifts offered to the lucky sign this year. Gifts of money may surprise the sheep. The pig smiles on family and will shower the sheep who becomes engaged or married during this year with many blessings. Sheep born in this year will receive good fortune from the banquet host.

Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
Monkey will be invited to share the fullness of the table. This year will bring good fortune in business but monkey tends to rush to finish and the pig is a slow, detail minded sign. Expect frustration and delays, but do not get discouraged. These are minor setbacks, not the ill fortune of the last two years. The rat year coming up in 2008 will allow you to enjoy the full benefits of your patient work this year. Take time out to enjoy the pleasant year, it will help you to overcome the small frustrations in business. Be prepared for travel — you may even change where you live. All will be in preparation for the good fortune which the rat will share with you in 2008.

Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
Rooster will be at the feast, but pig is modest and rooster enjoys strutting. Conservative pig has little patience for rooster’s emotional displays. In the pig year it is best to work on compromise. The rooster will worry about his seat at the table. Don’t be foolish. Stop worrying and enjoy the party. Good fortune comes to the rooster who can copy the pigs steady pace. This does not come easy to the proud rooster and you will find that success this year takes more work. Business may suffer small problems, but a steady pig approach to completing tasks and following through on plans will bring rewards.

Dog (1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)
The dog leaves the dominant energy of 2006 as the pig arrives to close the cycle. The dog will continue to enjoy good fortune, but should look inward during the pig year. The feast of the pig year will be enjoyed by the dog only if it is shared with family and friends. The dog is still full of energy and will find that this attracts new friends. Relationships that begin in this pig year may be a source of good fortune in the next 12 year cycle. Calm and relaxing activities are the best idea for the dog who wants to be prepared for the rat year of 2008.


Rats (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

For Rats, this Year of the Pig is ripe with possibilities for altering your luck, depending on your choices in many matters. 

'A good beginning makes a good ending,' is a proverb you should pay attention to this year.  While there will be many revelations this year, this is also a time for recuperation and relaxation.  Begin with good intentions and your reward may well be some exceptionally, if surprising, good luck.  In addition, if you work on kindly deeds, the chances are high that you will receive a bit of unforeseen fortune.  You have a mixture of lucky and unlucky stars in your constellation this year.  The Rat's stars of misfortune are causing quite an annoyance, most particularly in Lunar October (means November 2007).  Those around a Rat may see a misplaced and injured soul, one desperately trying to escape from an unhappy and violent encounter.

Fortunately, the balance of luck dips both ways for the Rat.  After all, within your Household constellation affairs the lucky star resides, and is in relations with a larger power. Whether this is showing a new loved one, the birth of a baby, or a marriage, all should move forward according to plan, with no added stress or strife.  There are many wonderful possibilities that exist! (For more information about the year of the rat go to  


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