If you nap, do it right

Napping seems to be on the minds of many sleep-deprived Canadians, with recent international studies praising the benefits of the mid-afternoon snooze, whether at home or at work.

But is napping for everyone? The Better Sleep Council Canada advises that if you regularly have trouble falling or staying asleep at night, you should not be taking a nap during the day. But for others, napping can help regain alertness, enhance productivity, and reduce the stress of our busy days. To nap, or not to nap? That is the question.

If you’re considering making nap time part of your daily routine, The Better Sleep Council Canada recommends you to keep these tips in mind:

• You can reduce the impact of the mid-day slump by going out for a brisk walk in the fresh air and drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated.

• Get enough sleep - adults need about eight hours sleep per night. Make the necessary changes to ensure you get a better night’s sleep.

• If you choose to nap, keep them to 15-30 minutes. Longer naps allow your body to slip into deep sleep, making it difficult to wake and leaving you with a groggy feeling when you do awake.

• If there’s no way around it and you know you need more than 30 minutes of naptime, try sleeping for an hour and a half to complete a sleep cycle.

• Avoid napping in the late afternoon – you’ll have difficulty falling asleep at night and it will shift your biological clock, making waking up the next morning difficult.

• If you feel you need a nap, but can’t fall asleep, just enjoy the down time and relax – your body is still restoring energy.
For more useful information about naps and sleeping, please visit bettersleep.ca. - News Canada

• Size: Ensure the bed is wide enough to fit you (and your partner) comfortably. A mattress should also be approximately 4-6 inches longer than the tallest person.

• Firmness and Comfort: Mattresses don’t have to be hard to be good for you. Consider a mix of a supportive core and comfortable padding.

• Matching sleep sets: Mattresses and foundations are engineered to work together. Don’t mix and match.
More information and tips on how to get a better night’s sleep can be found online at
www.bettersleep.ca. - News Canada

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