Here's hoping the spice is right

Star Anise-the dry, brownish spice has flavoured soups and stews for centuries, and seasons cola, toothpaste and perfume.

BC Dad fights Japan to get his kids back

Japan refuses RCMP arrest warrant and Vancouver court orders, saying they are not obligated to listen to Canada. This has made Japan a 'safe haven' for parents who want to impinge on their ex-spous

Editorial: Nuclear flip-flop is a dangerous mistake

Relying on a mainstream press that is more interested in hockey, Ottawa has decided that it will reignite Canada's nuclear relationship with India.

Editorial: Giving thanks by giving aid

We in Canada do not only live in the best country on the planet. We have also been sheltered from the calamities that have plagued the world.

Editorial: Canada's troubling links with a family of spies

By day, Chi Mak worked as an electrical engineer for Power Paragon-one of the world’s most powerful military contractors.

Editorial: Lessons from a cultural carnage

In France, the new, the weak and the poor are too often condemned to a life deprived of any opportunity for upward mobility.

Editorial: How the Grinch will steal your Christmas

Every Who in Ottawa liked elections a lot...But Paul Martin Who lived on Mount Corrupt Did Not!

Sandakan's heritage trail

Sandakan in Sabah is a town rich in historical sites. Western visitors come to visit its historical monuments.

Top five ways to enjoy KL

Queue for a view. For a unique vantage point, take a trip up the striking steel-and-glass Petronas Twin Towers in the centre of Kuala Lumpur.

EAT! Vancouver

Highlights include celebrity chefs preparing creative dishes, a competition for the title of CityTV's Master Chef and more.


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